Monday, June 24, 2013

What data?

I'm looking for quantitative data to compare my interview results with the actual throughput results of the school. I especially was looking for factual numbers, not percentages. For 2 schools I managed those numbers, but from other schools I still only have the figures in percentages per educational institution, not per location.

Though, when I'm able to somehow receive percentages of all visited schools, it would be perfect. because throughput of schools looked over a period of 6 years (so that I would in fact follow just one year of students, during their school period) is not able because of the percentages and anonymity of the numbers, I have to do it with the percentages over a certain period in time.

That clears a lot for me! Next week, I'm meeting with my mentor again - I'm glad to actually justify my actions of the above!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dutch school advice differs weirdly

Interesting. Just came along an article from April 15th about the advice primary school teachers give. It seems that the advice between pupils in primary education (on different schools) can pretty vary. With that, there's no difference in the pupil himself. Read the article here (only in Dutch).

So, when you're going to school X as a kid, it can happen that your secondary education starts way lower than when your parents decided to put you on school Y. Weird huh? The Inspection of the Education is at the moment researching why that is. Trouw (Dutch newspaper) says that in the four largest cities, the pupils most get a higher advice than is usual. (Dutch news website) reports that teachers are put under pressure by highly educated parents to give their kids higher advises.. Well. I've heard some things now, and I can say the news is actually based on the reality. I don't say it's a good case though! 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Finding more schools

Yup, it isn't over yet! The interviews are still going on! I dó have 3 schools already, but it is still 50% of my goal! I've trouble at the moment finding schools who will participate. I dó have schools that can participate: I only don't know yet if they're willing to help me out. That's first thing tomorrow! Really! I promise! Why is it so difficult to just call and ask...? Emailing is far easier than calling people, but with lack of response I cannot relate to that any longer. I have to call them! All interviews need to be held before the month of July. So, calling schools. Will it be a problem? I'm finding out tomorrow :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Interviews part 2

The pressure I felt 2 weeks ago is slowly going away. Back then, I only had a couple of email addresses and school telephone numbers obtained from the schools' websites. Now, 2 weeks later, I'm 7 interviews later and have already planned 4 more. The interviews are going well; the more I do the better I'm aware of what I should now and ask the person, and where to intervene.

Although, working it out does cost a lot of time. That's why I didn't post yesterday. Normally I would prepare a post on the Sunday before, but this time I was working out the interviews of previous week. This week I've planned 6 interviews, and have to contact another school, for I've only interviews on 3 schools yet. I really would like to obtain 6 schools for my interview. Mainly because per school it seems impossible to speak to 6 different persons - I've had two cancellations (both women actually). They argued that when I spoke to person x, there would be no need to speak to her also.. And the other argument is that they are really busy with exams and stuff.

So, I will keep this post short, for I have to work out 2 interviews now and have another at 4pm today.